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 Our team promises to bring you the best of the best, and that’s exactly what we have for you today. I recently had one of the most impactful interviews of my life right here in my studio, and I can’t wait to share what I have learned with you.
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We focus on sharing content with you that will help you become a world-class communicator.
We make sure that you have clarity on the problem you want to solve and the people you want to serve. We make sure that you have products and services that can transform people's lives. We also make sure that you understand the power of getting on other people's digital and physical stages, while helping you toward building your own. 

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Happy New Year to our Backstage blog audience! I hope your holidays were rich and restful and that you are ready to tackle 2024. It’s sad to say, but data shows us that most people who have made New Year's resolutions have already given up. We are not going to let you do that. 
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Welcome to Backstage with Pete Vargas III, where we take you behind the scenes every week to teach you how to get on those stages that will allow you to build your business and get your message out to the world!
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Every week I take you backstage to show you what it takes to be a success. Today, I’m going to share with you some backstage, behind-the-scenes content from one of the greatest coaches on the planet – Mr. Grant Cardone. (Uncle G)
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Everyone faces challenges, and some of you may have had to walk through significant hardship this year. My challenge for you is can you be just as grateful when challenges, obstacles, and difficulties come your way, than when really good things are happening in your life? I think being able to find and operate in gratitude is one of the superpowers of successful people. It’s not always easy, but it can become a discipline if you choose to develop it. Even with this simple breathing practice.
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If you desire to use speaking engagements to grow your business as I do, learning to negotiate the stage can be the difference between you having one of the biggest business days of your life and you having a day that is a disappointment.
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Every week, we bring you quality content from quality guests who have gone out and proven success in their lives. There are many people talking about success and hoping for success, but we want to hear from the people who have taken action and have stories to tell that can inspire us and give us the steps to follow suit. Proverbs 19:8 tells us that “those who acquire wisdom love themselves, and those who go after understanding will have abundance.” There's a differentiation between wisdom and understanding. Understanding is the point where the wisdom we are receiving is truly impacting our lives and we begin to walk it out to see life-changing results. 
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We always aim to bring you the best of the best here at 10X Stages. And today, that’s exactly what you’re getting. 
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Many of you have opportunities to speak to people, whether that's onstage, one-on-one in phone calls and meetings, or on Zoom or through social media. My question for you today is, does it convert? 
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Welcome back to the BackStage Blog where, every week, we get you ready to set onto your dream stage in front of your dream audience. I’m Pat Quinn, and I help people craft their signature talks so that they can master the stage. Today, I want to tell you about three types of stories that you want to include in your presentation. 
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It’s hard to believe we are right around the corner from a new year. It’s astonishing how quickly time rolls by and before you know it, December is in front of you and you haven’t even considered what your goals and projects will be for the next year. Today, as I write this, it’s the month of September, and my team is meeting together right now to discuss the new year. Next week, my wife and I will go away for the weekend to really focus on what this year holds for us and to establish what our priorities will be as a family. 
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Last week was absolutely amazing as we learned from a world-class communicator and my personal friend, Amy Porterfield. Amy shared several of her masterful secrets on how to use digital courses to build your business. 
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Every week, we talk about four things. First, we talk about - how to become a world-class communicator, and how to craft the message that the world needs to hear. The second thing we talk about is - products and services, and how to put them out in front of people powerfully and effectively. The third thing we talk about is - how to get on other people's stages (OPS) to grow your business. And then the fourth thing that we talk about is - how to build your own stages (OWN). 
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Here's the thing. Most people don't want to pull back the curtain and show you what's working. Here at 10X Stages, that’s what we are all about! We are constantly pulling back the curtain to show you what you need to do to be the BEST.
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Remember, there are two major categories of stages - Other People's Stages (OPS) and your OWN stages. We encourage you to be on as many OPSs as you possibly can because it doesn't cost you anything. You don't have to build it, fill it, or fund it.
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Do you know what M.R.R. stands for? It stands for Monthly Recurring Revenue. To have M.R.R., you must produce products that bring in revenue over and over again without having to re-sell your customer.
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I want to share a little bit of my genesis story with you today - when my life was radically changed by the power of a stage. It was the very first event that I had ever attended - hosted by my good friend Brendon Burchard. I had an experience at that event that launched me in a direction that landed me right here today. This is a story about the power of communication.
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We all know that Grant Cardone is a dynamic, highly sought after, international speaker, coach and consultant. But standing next to Grant is one of the most inspiring women leaders you could ever meet. Elena Cardone has used her vast experience to assist men and women in creating, growing, and defending an extraordinary marriage and career. We recently had the privilege of hosting our dear friend, Elena, on our Backstage Podcast where we asked her just a handful of questions. Today we want to share some of the power-packed takeaways from our time together. 
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The best way to get the spot light on your message or your business, is through the power of a stage. Now, I’m not just talking about in-person conferences or presentations in front of a room full of people. You can step on a stage when you have an audience with one person at a coffee shop, or in a boardroom with ten people. You step on a stage every time you use your social media platform to talk about your business.
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If you're reading this it’s to get your team to get behind your vision. Maybe you're reading this to get more leads, more sales, more partnerships, whatever it is that you're looking for, this skillset today is the greatest marketing tool that you have. Joining me in this conversation today is a dear friend of mine, and not only has he helped me in my communication, but he's helped thousands if not tens of thousands of our customers all across the world understand what it takes to be world class in communication. This guy is the best in the world. Without further ado, let’s get started with some golden nuggets from Mr. Pat Quinn!

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with special guest Jon Gordon 
Nobody understands speaking and stages and growing your business in the world better than I do. This show will continue to dive into four things every week so you become the best communicator out there. If you’re not a powerful communicator, you’re not getting people’s attention. We want you to constantly build one of your own stages, digital or physical.
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Are you looking to grow your income, impact, and influence but aren't sure where to start? Do you desire to reach more people, change more lives, and stop being a best-kept secret? Do you have a message that this world needs to hear?
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